【同义词辨析】 2018-05-29 害怕fear-trepidation

fear: often the most general term, implies anxiety and loss of courage: ~ of the unknown. (对比: anxiety焦虑不安害怕 worry烦恼)

dread: usually adds the idea of intense reluctance to face or meet a person or situation and suggests aversion as well as anxiety: the ~ of having to face her mother.

fright: implies the shock of sudden, startling fear: imagine our ~ at being awakened by screams.

alram: implies a sudden, intense apprehension produced by newly perceived awareness of immediate danger: view the situation with alarm.

panic: implies unreasoning, overmastering fear causing hysterical, disordered and useless activity: news of the invasion caused great ~.

terror: implies the most extreme degree of consternation or fear: immobilized with ~. (consternation: surprising anxiety惊讶恐怕)

horror: adds the implication of shuddering abhorrence or aversion before a sight, activity or demand that causes fear: harbored a secret ~ of dark, close places.

trepidation: adds to dread the implication of timidity, trembling and hesitation: raised the subject of marriage with some ~.

fear害怕: 最通用,表示焦虑(anxiety焦虑: 担心害怕)失去勇气,dread害怕: 不但害怕(anxiety)极不愿面对厌恶,fright惊吓: 表示突然的震惊(sss)害怕,alarm警觉: 突然意识迫近的危险(而害怕apprehension=anxiety,fear),panic恐慌: 害怕到无法思考压倒一切的地步,使行为歇斯底里慌乱无用,terror恐怖: 最高级极端的害怕,horror也是恐怖: 比上词增加了令人颤抖的厌恶的意思,trepidation: 表示胆怯颤抖忧郁

记忆方法:1)首字母FDF APTHT排序成Pa THAT DFF怕那个大狒狒: 害怕


          3)害怕的意思是面对危险时的痛苦不安mean painful agitation in the presence or anticipation of danger.